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Price: £12.95
Special Price: £8.95
Overview: Embark on the adventure of a 21st century vision quest. Carefully orchestrated melodies and Hemi-Sync® focus you within as you pursue that pearl of wisdom or guidance that is uniquely your own. Composer/musician Mark Certo's inspiring music is blended with changing Hemi-Sync® signals to guide you into different states of consciousness throughout your journey of self-discovery. Use Spirit's Journey for expanded awareness through musical imagery; for deeper, more profound relaxation; or simply for musical enjoyment.
Track Details: Length: 36 minutes
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Price :£12.95
York, Yorkshire, UK
Hemi Sync Cds, Mind Food, Human Plus, Meta Music, Hemi Sync Albums, A Gateway Experience, Concentration Cd, Meditation Cd, Relaxation Cd, Morning Exercise Cd, Opening The Heart Cd